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Command Usage


/sparkb, /sparkv, and /sparkc must be used instead of /spark on BungeeCord, Velocity and Forge/Fabric client installations respectively.


/spark profiler

The profiler subcommand is used to control the spark profiler.

Requires the permission spark or spark.profiler.

If the profiler is already running in the background, run:

  • /spark profiler open to open the profiler viewer page without stopping the profiler.
  • /spark profiler stop to stop the profiler and view the results.
  • /spark profiler cancel to cancel the profiler stop it without uploading the results.

For basic operation, run:

  • /spark profiler start to start the profiler in the default operation mode.
  • /spark profiler stop to stop the profiler and view the results.
  • /spark profiler info to check the current status of the profiler.

There are some additional flags which can be used to customize the behaviour of the profiler. You can use:

  • /spark profiler start --timeout <seconds> to start the profiler and automatically stop it after x seconds.
  • /spark profiler start --thread * to start the profiler and track all threads.
  • /spark profiler start --alloc to start the profiler and profile memory allocations (memory pressure) instead of CPU usage.
Advanced Usage Arguments

You can use:

  • /spark profiler start --interval <milliseconds> to start the profiler and sample at the given interval (default is 4)
  • /spark profiler start --thread * to start the profiler and track all threads.
  • /spark profiler start --thread <thread name> to start the profiler and only track specific threads.
  • /spark profiler start --only-ticks-over <milliseconds> to start the profiler, but only record samples from ticks which take longer than the given duration.
  • /spark profiler start --regex --thread <thread name pattern> to start the profiler and only track threads matching the given regex.
  • /spark profiler start --combine-all to start the profiler but combine all threads under one root node.
  • /spark profiler start --not-combined to start the profiler but disable grouping threads from a thread pool together.
  • /spark profiler start --force-java-sampler to start the profiler and force usage of the Java sampler, instead of the async one.
  • /spark profiler start --alloc --alloc-live-only to start the memory allocation profiler, only retaining stats for objects that haven't been garbage collected by the end of the profile
  • /spark profiler start --alloc --interval <bytes> to start the memory allocation profiler and sample at the given rate in bytes (default is 524287 aka 512 KB)
  • /spark profiler stop --comment <comment> to stop the profiler and include the specified comment in the viewer.
  • /spark profiler stop --separate-parent-calls to stop the profiler and separate calls in the viewer if they were invoked by a different parent method. (deprecated)
  • /spark profiler stop --save-to-file to save profile to file under the config directory instead of uploading it.


/spark health

The health subcommand generates a health report for the server, including TPS, CPU, Memory and Disk Usage.

Requires the permission spark or spark.healthreport.

You can use:

  • /spark health --memory to include additional information about the JVMs memory usage
  • /spark health --network to include additional information about the system network usage

/spark ping

The ping subcommand prints information about average (or specific) player ping round trip times.

You can use:

  • /spark ping to view information about the average pings across all players.
  • /spark ping --player <username> to view a specific players current ping RTT.

Requires the permission spark or

/spark tps

The tps subcommand prints information about the servers TPS (ticks per second) rate and CPU usage.

Requires the permission spark or spark.tps.

/spark tickmonitor

The tickmonitor subcommand controls the tick monitoring system.

Requires the permission spark or spark.tickmonitor.

Simply running the command without any extra flags will toggle the system on and off.

You can use:

  • /spark tickmonitor --threshold <percent> to start the tick monitor, only reporting ticks which exceed a percentage increase from the average tick duration.
  • /spark tickmonitor --threshold-tick <milliseconds> to start the tick monitor, only reporting ticks which exceed the given duration in milliseconds.
  • /spark tickmonitor --without-gc to start the tick monitor, and disable reports about GC activity.


/spark gc

The gc subcommand prints information about the servers GC (garbage collection) history.

Requires the permission spark or spark.gc.

/spark gcmonitor

The gcmonitor subcommand controls the GC (garbage collection) monitoring system.

Requires the permission spark or spark.gcmonitor.

Simply running the command will toggle the system on and off.

/spark heapsummary

The heapsummary subcommand generates a new memory (heap) dump summary and upload it to the viewer.

Requires the permission spark or spark.heapsummary.

You can use:

  • /spark heapsummary --run-gc-before to suggest that the JVM runs the garbage collector before the heap summary is generated. (deprecated)

/spark heapdump

The heapdump subcommand generates a new heapdump (.hprof snapshot) file and saves to the disk.

Requires the permission spark or spark.heapdump.

You can use:

  • /spark heapdump --compress <type> to specify that the heapdump should be compressed using the given type. The supported types are gzip, xz and lzma.
  • /spark heapdump --include-non-live to specify that "non-live" objects (objects that are not reachable and are eligible for garbage collection) should be included. (deprecated)
  • /spark heapdump --run-gc-before to suggest that the JVM runs the garbage collector before the heap dump is generated. (deprecated)


/spark activity

The activity subcommand prints information about recent activity performed by spark.

Requires the permission spark or spark.activity.

You can use:

  • /spark activity --page <page no> to view a specific page.